Stop struggling with your PCOS?

Take control of your condition with a unique program that fits your requirements into an evidence-based proven framework supported by expert coaching.


Are you...

  • Tired of feeling confused and not knowing what to believe any more about PCOS, is the non-specific information overload leaving you drained?
  • Feel like no one actually believes you when you tell them you are trying but nothing is changing, is PCOS your Boss?
  • Over being told you need to lose weight, even though that is what you are trying so desperately to achieve, and you literally just keep getting stuck.

Feel confused about what you should eat to manage your PCOS?

You're in the right place

I've been there, and I'm here to help. As a registered dietitian with PCOS, I understand the struggle firsthand. But together, we can turn things around.

PCOS doesn't have to dictate your life. With the right knowledge and support, you can feel your best and love your body again.

Let's make you the boss of your health journey. Understanding PCOS is the key to reclaiming your wellness.

If you're ready to take charge with a personalized program tailored to your needs, preferences, and lifestyle, let's do this. Join me, and let's make healthy happen.


* Have a roadmap designed for YOU that eliminates all feelings of overwhelm?

* Stops you wasting time desperately scrolling social media to find advice to fix your PCOS.

* Start truly understanding YOUR condition & taking strategic steps that will change your health

Why is this program different?

Claire is a registered dietitian & Co-founder of Nutritional Solutions, she has a masters degree in nutrition & dietetics and has been in clinical practice for 20 years. She has PCOS herself and loves helping women with this condition to change their story and empower them to thrive and optimise the management of their PCOS.

Claire regularly presents nutrition educational content to health professionals both locally and internationally and is considered a key opinion leader in poly cystic ovarian syndrome and obesity medical nutrition therapy management. 

She developed the PCOS BOSS program to support women with this condition and change their health in a sustainable way. Her PCOS programs and management strategies have already helped many women around the world.

Claire contributes regularly to print, online, television and radio media and is a past president of the Association for Dietetics in South Africa and one of the most recognised figures in her field.

 This complete step-by-step system takes the guesswork out of managing PCOS and gets rid of the one size fits all approach, instead we work with YOUR needs

It's all about you!

Chanel Zacchino

Last year while casually scrolling through social media, I came across this beautiful lady discussing PCOS. Every time her posts popped up, I felt like she was talking to me and the very things I was struggling with. I then decided to take a leap and contact Claire. She told me she was starting a special program called PCOS Boss and would love for me to join the group. 

I made the decision to invest this time and money in myself and my health. 

The PCOS Boss program was so informative and allowed a safe space for ladies to discuss their challenges with others. With Claire’s help, I was able to cut back on all the meds I was taking and only take the meds I really needed and in the correct dosages. We started seeing amazing improvements on my blood test results. 

In August 2021, I found out that I was pregnant. What a surprise! I always thought I would struggle to fall pregnant so this was a beautiful miracle. Claire was amazing throughout my pregnancy and I am back with her now postpartum. Claire, I can’t thank you enough for always being just a phone call or message away and for just being the most loving and caring person. 

Thank you for always making sure our eating plans are filled with delicious foods and never leaving out our favourite foods. You have the best meal ideas and recipes, making it so much easier for us. 

It was always my dream to be a mom and today I hold my precious little girl, Elliana in my arms and I feel so complete and content. 

If you are considering joining Claire’s PCOS Boss program, I can say take the leap and you will not be disappointed.

Here's exactly what you get >>

PCOS BOSS is an online program that merges expert one on one coaching with group support and evidence-based education and implementation strategies to help you become a PCOS Boss. Lets’ go!!

Module 1

Initial Consultation

  • 40 minute one-on-one session with Claire to discuss your unique requirements. We will make sure we focus on your needs.
  • You will complete a food frequency questionnaire, food diary, supplement & medication check list before this session.
  • ​Review your medications, supplements, sleep, exercise & stress management. You will receive a blood test sheet to complete blood tests based on your 1:1 assessment.

Module 2

Your Customised Meal Plan

  • After your initial consultation, Claire will calculate your nutrition prescription (meal plan); energy requirements, macronutrients, etc.
  • Your individual requirements are important, so allocations will be made accordingly. You are no longer on diet.
  • ​Once you receive your meal plan prescription, we will have a group session to build in your unique food map with foods you enjoy. You will be shown how to swap out foods to make your meal plan work for you.

Module 3

What do your blood results mean

  • This week we review what the blood values mean and how they impact your PCOS symptoms.
  • We discuss Insulin and the role it plays in PCOS.
  • ​We will review your supplements now that we have your blood results and make the necessary adjustments.
  • PCOS Boss group support session

Module 4

Supplementation: What to use when...

  • You can’t supplement away a bad diet, but with PCOS using the correct nutrients to support your dietary intake has been shown to help with this condition. This week we focus on supplements such as inositol, vitamin D, magnesium, omega 3s, zinc, and more to see what your best options are and when to use what.

Module 5

Weightloss, Carbs & Functional Fibre

  • I know how confusing the nutrition space has become, especially when you have a condition like PCOS, all you want is to feel better and manage your health more effectively but you literally have no idea where to start. We are going to go through the key evidence based nutrition principles to help you improve your PCOS.
  • Myth busters – let’s start on a clean slate & get you ready to soak up sound nutrition advice
  • Understand your energy requirements
  • Carbs – am I allowed to have them? – (YES you are!)
  • PCOS Boss group support session

Module 6

Proteins, Fats & Label Reading

  • Utilising proteins to get best PCOS outcomes
  • Fats – friend or foe
  • Key nutrient rich foods & how they help
  • Read a label like a dietitian
  • PCOS Boss group support session

Module 7

Cravings, Portion Control & Exercise for PCOS (Part #1)

  • How to avoid the portion distortion trap​
  • Dealing with cravings & how to redirect your old patterns
  • Upping the anti on anti-inflammatory
  • Get you going on the exercise front

Sleep Quality & Stress (Part #2)

  • Implement better sleep strategies to optimise your sleep.
  • Understand how stress & PCOS are linked.
  • ​The PCOS mood roller coaster. Menstrual cycle impacts your hormones and has an impact on your mood & appetite (comfort eating). How can we manage this dynamic with new insights?
  • PCOS Boss group support session

Module 8

Time to reflect & celebrate our wins

  • ​By week 8 we will have a lot to celebrate and share our wins and discuss our knowledge gains and habit changes.
  • We have a 2 x 20 minute one on one consultation to review your blood results.


I signed for PCOS Boss a few months after being diagnosed because I had an understanding of what some of the end results needed to be for my health, but I honestly had no idea of what I needed to do go get there as I every website had different advice. The structure of the programme, the amount of content and knowledge that was shared, and the group and individual sessions with Claire have been nothing short of life changing.

Although the programme is mainly based on food, important topics for PCOS such as supplementation & medication, sleep, 

exercise, and mental health are taught in extensive detail and advice is personalised by Claire based on your health and lifestyle to ensure you can sustain the required changes. I never thought I would see such immediate improvements in my sleep apnea & sleep in general, energy levels throughout the day, and in my physical strength as I've found the exercise that's right for me. 

The PCOS journey is lifelong but I am 100% confident that the tools I've been given will help me for years to come and for that, I will forever be grateful to the PCOS Boss programme and Claire.

  • Extensive one on one support with a registered dietitian
  • Group session on how to build your own meal plan
  • Advanced PCOS educational modules
  • One on one nutrition consultations
  • 6 x Live weekly group coaching
  • Group support structure whats app group
  • Individual meal plan developed for you
  • Blood results interpretation one on one
  • Supplementation review & prescription
  • Label reading with quiz to nail this skill
  • Exchange lists to swap various foods
  • Life time access to content
  • Meal & lifestyle tracker
  • Recipe packs

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